From Fred Jones and Jim Hill at California Council for the Social Studies
AB 484 will be amended tomorrow, but will include (and evidently has Gov's sign-off):
* Eliminate current CSTs, except Science 5,8,10; EAP grade 11 and ESEA required (ELA/Math) in order to save funds to maximize Field Test of SBAC. These tests are no longer aligned with new Standards adopted in 2010 and with Common Core (CAHSEE will continue to be given, but not referenced in 484).
* Allow LEAs to administer test in Spanish if they desire.
* A comprehensive plan from CDE will be due by 2016 to include Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core and the use of 21st Century technology.
* AYP and API would be suspended (AYP scores of last year would be used for next year during transition for purposes of ESEA reporting; they obviously anticipated the potential fallout that New York is experiencing due to their transitionary -- and lower -- scores)
* Bill may remove "Urgency Clause" within AB 484 -- which just means it won't take effect until Jan 1, not immediately upon Gov's signature, but will still apply by Springtime testing this school year (this is to ensure the bill's passage, since Urgency Clauses require ⅔ vote of both Houses, and there is serious concerns from social justice and testing/accountability groups re: losing individual student and school scores for at least a year)
* Federal Waivers will be sought, but if AB 484 is signed, they will disregard US Dept of Ed if they don't authorize Waivers (there has been some positive communications with US Secty of Ed re: removing double-testing to begin introducing field testing of Common Core/Smarter Balanced, although how long California will be able to suspend individual pupil scores and AYP/API scores of schools remain an open question; SBE authorized President Kirst -- in consultation with SPI -- to seek necessary Waivers depending on further clarifications anticipated from US Dept of Ed, but Deb Sigman reiterated that if AB 484 is signed, California will end current STAR tests … PERIOD!).
Sue Burr (former SBE Exec Director, but now SBE member and senior advisor to Gov): "This sends the clearest, strongest message to the field that we're serious about implementing Common Core … it doesn't mean we don't care about H-SS, but we need a transition period … for assessment changes" -- stated during today's SBE meeting at CDE.